Road to the Reversible: Finally...It's here!
Want to take your jerseys to the next level? Introducing our fully sublimated, single layer, raglan sleeve jersey.
Our single layer, fully sublimated Reversible jersey is now available in stock or to customize!
Our Reversible jersey modelled by a few of our favourite community members at the 2018 Ultimate Canada Conference.
The Reversible jersey has been in the process for a long time. We began with the Reversible tank, a solid starting block which helped us learn more about the construction of reversible gear. From there, we built our first Reversible jersey, but acknowledged that we had a lot more to learn/perfect. Finally, we dove into the science of the Reversible jersey: How the heck were we making these?
And now here we are. After months of trial and error, we've finally created a product that will revolutionize the ultimate world: the future of affordable sublimated uniforms, a lower environmental impact, and awesome designs has arrived.
Interested in buying our Reversible jersey? Check out our Geo Maple Leaf design and our Fuji Cherry design!
We know you have two important questions: How much and how long?
How much?
Let's cut to the chase. The Reversible jersey is a piece of gear that requires a ton of expertise to create. From the physical construction to the design, there are multiple nuances that go into producing this jersey, which all take time. However, we also wanted to make sure this jersey was affordable.
Taking the above into account, we are offering the Reversible jersey for just $74. That's $74 for two designs on one high-quality jersey that will definitely turn heads on the field, and will enable you to perform at your best.
Part of a youth team or feel as though you would qualify for our Equity & Development Sponsorship? Contact us any time to talk about your program and see how we can put together an offering that works for you. We want the world in these jerseys!
How long?
As we mentioned, the Reversible jersey isn't a simple jersey to make–the construction of these require meticulous attention to detail. Currently, the delivery time on this item is 4 to 5.5 weeks, but we are constantly working on speeding things up. The more designs we make, the faster we'll become!
Important note!
This is our first purposeful non-binary product. The jersey is intended to fit all body types, so we are offering it in XXS through XXL in hopes that everyone will feel comfortable wearing it. Much more to come on our motivation and ideas behind this soon...
Now what?
Be one of the first teams rocking this new product! We aren't kidding when we say this is the future of ultimate jerseys. The feedback has been amazing and they flew off the shelves on Black Friday, so get a head start on the competition and email us today!
We will be introducing youth-focused sponsorship offers on this product, so get in touch if you think you'd be a good fit for that!
If you have any design ideas or would like more information, email us at info@vcultimate.com. We'll make sure you're ready to go for the upcoming season!