Women's Cut Shorts "Make the Cut"
Did you know that for team orders VC offers women’s cut shorts? Ladies of the ultimate world can finally celebrate the perfect pair of shorts, custom-made just for them!
The dirty details: our women’s cut shorts have all of the same beloved features of our traditional VC shorts, but with a shorter length just right for the modern ultimate chick! They’re made with our comfortable and moisture-wicking FlexLight material, our traditionally wide waistband, and the interior pocket still included. The difference comes mainly in the length of the shorts – a couple of inches shorter than our standard unisex shorts.
Phoenix, the women’s club team out of North Carolina, wore our women’s cut shorts for this past club season and had a whole lot to say about them:
I love the women's shorts! Finally, ultimate shorts that I'm not swimming in!
- Brooke Stanislawski
Other ultimate shorts are too long with too much excess material and I loved the VCWomen's cut. They're my go-to ultimate shorts now so I wish I had more.
- Kristen Mazur
Devon Ericksen from Phoenix had a whole bunch of nice things to say! We’ve pared down her review to just the most important parts:
“VC's women's shorts are the breath of fresh air in a contentious frisbee shorts world that is filled with extremes. They manage to strike a happy medium between these extremes: not too long or too short, fabric that is not too stretchy or too stiff, a waistband that is not too wide or too tight… This new length is the answer - it falls comfortably a few inches above the knees - a shorter length that still maintains its swagger… The folks in the garment lab did their testing well.”
Thanks, Phoenix ladies, for the great reviews!
The long wait for the perfect women’s solution is over: you can order women’s cut shorts in any color for your team, just email info@vcultimate.com to get started!