Foire aux questions
Commandes en ligne
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Pour des questions sur les tailles, veuillez consulter nos tableaux des tailles. Si vous n'êtes toujours pas certain de la coupe d'un article, nous vous vendrons un échantillon du style de vêtement qui vous intéresse, que vous pourrez retourner dans les 30 jours pour un remboursement complet, à condition que le vêtement soit en bon état et propre au retour.
- La plupart des articles de notre boutique en ligne sont en stock et seront expédiés en 1 à 2 jours ouvrables.
- Les maillots personnalisés sublimé partiellement avec noms et/ou numéros ajoutés seront expédiés en de 4 à 7 jours ouvrables.
- Les maillots personnalisés sublimé complètement qui sont produits sur mesure, comme les répliques d'Équipe Canada qui sont "pré-commandées" lorsque vous les ajoutez à votre panier, seront expédié en 4 à 6 semaines.
Chez VC, nous voulons que vous preniez autant de plaisir à porter vos vêtements d'ultimate que nous prenons à le fabriquer. Si vous n'êtes pas entièrement satisfait de la fabrication de notre produit, VC Ultimate le réparera, le remplacera ou remboursera votre argent. Les problèmes de qualité doivent être portés à notre attention dans les 10 jours ouvrables suivant la livraison de votre équipement. Nous n'offrons pas de retours ou d'échanges sur les produits personnalisés à moins qu'ils ne présentent des défauts de produit ou des erreurs de fabrication.
Les vêtements en stock dans notre boutique en ligne peuvent être retournés tant qu'ils n'ont pas été portés ou lavés - veuillez contacter pour arranger un retour, à moins que ceux-ci n'aient été personnalisés avec un nom ou un numéro selon votre demande.
Afin de s'assurer que vos vêtements soient produits correctement, nous n'autorisons aucune modification à votre commande une fois qu'elle a été approuvée. Une fois qu'une commande est placée en production, nous devrons soumettre toute demande d'unités supplémentaires comme une commande séparée, et des frais supplémentaires peuvent s'appliquer. Vous ne pouvez pas annuler certains aspects d'une commande personnalisée une fois qu'elle a été approuvée.
Si vous êtes sur un PC, la page de paiement a un champ situé à droite où vous pouvez appliquer le rabais à votre achat.
Si vous commandez sur un appareil mobile, le rabais peut être appliqué dans le menu déroulant "Résumé" en haut de la page de paiement.
Si le code rabais que vous essayez d'utiliser ne fonctionne pas, contactez-nous au et nous ferons de notre mieux pour résoudre ce problème !
Tous les produits VC Ultimate devraient être lavés à l'eau froide avant d'être portés pour activités sportives. Lavez les vêtements à l'envers et suspendez-les pour sécher - ne les nettoyez pas à sec !
Commandes d'équipe
Notre commande minimum est de 12 unités de n'importe quel style pour les produits non sublimés. Vous pouvez mélanger n'importe quelle combinaison de tailles pour hommes et pour femmes (XS-XXL) à l'intérieur des 12 unités, pourvu qu'il s'agisse du même modèle.
Les nouvelles commandes à sublimation complète ont un minimum de 10 unités ou des frais de traitement de 50 $ s'appliqueront. Les nouvelles commandes à sublimation partielle ont un minimum de 5 unités.
Besoin de recommander ? Pas de problème ! Nous conservons tous vos renseignements dans nos dossiers. Les commandes à sublimation complète ont un minimum de 5 unités par style, bien que nous donnions aux équipes une occasion par saison de passer une commande aussi petite que 1 unité/style.
De plus petites quantités de vêtements peuvent être produites, selon le modèle, mais des frais supplémentaires peuvent s'appliquer. Communiquez avec VC si vous avez des questions au sujet de votre nouvelle commande.
VC Ultimate envoie les commandes par USPS, UPS, Postes Canada ou par une entreprise de messagerie locale si la commande reste dans la région du Grand Toronto.
- À l'intérieur de la région du Grand Toronto : frais de messagerie de 12 $. (Service le jour suivant. Le service le jour même peut être arrangé pour 20 $.)
- Au Canada : 0,75 $ à 1,75 $ par article, selon la quantité totale (des frais minimum de colis pour les commandes de moins de 12 unités s'applique).
- Aux États-Unis : 1,50 $ par article.
- Australie / Japon : 4 $ par article. Des frais minimums de colis pour les petites commandes nécessitant un suivi puissent s'appliquer.
- La livraison des commandes de la boutique en ligne est à partir de 8,95 $, et est basée sur le poids total de la commande.
Pour les logos et illustrations, nous préférons les fichiers vectoriels créés en Adobe Illustrator. Les fichiers .jpeg ou .tiff haute résolution peuvent également être acceptables, selon la netteté des lignes et la simplicité du design.
- Vêtements sublimation complète – 4-5,5 semaines*
- Vêtements sublimation partielle – 1-2 semaines*
- Matériel fabriqué sur mesure non sublimé - 3-4 semaines si vierge, 4-5 semaines si sérigraphie ou sublimation partielle*
Tous les gabarits sont disponibles sur les pages produits accessibles sous l'onglet Uniformes.
Le paiement complet est requis pour commencer le traitement de votre commande. Nous acceptons les bons de commande des écoles et les modalités de paiement de votre établissement d'enseignement.
À propos de VC
Veuillez visiter la section À propos de VC pour en savoir plus sur nos origines et nos croyances. Vous pouvez également consulter les nouvelles et les opinions de VC dans notre section News & Blog (en anglais seulement).
VC Ultimate respecte votre vie privée. Nous croyons qu'il est important d'assurer la sécurité de vos renseignements personnels. Si nous vous demandons de fournir des renseignements personnels, nous vous dirons à quelles fins nous avons l'intention de les utiliser. Vos renseignements personnels ne sont ni prêtés ni vendus à quiconque à quelque fin que ce soit. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter à tout moment pour toute question.
Si vous avez toute autre question, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter au Si vous avez des suggestions de contenu supplémentaire pour cette page FAQ, n'hésitez pas à nous le faire savoir - nous sommes là pour vous aider !!
Online Store Ordering
For questions about sizing, view the size chart or click the product link on each product's page. If you are still unsure about how an item will fit, rest assured that you can then return any in-stock item within 30 days for a full refund, as long as the garment is in good, clean condition upon return.
Most of the gear in the store are in-stock items and will ship within 1-2 business days. Spot sublimated custom gear with added names and/or numbers will ship within 3-5 business days. Custom sublimated gear, such as Team Canada replicas that are "Pre-Ordered" when you add them to your cart, will ship in 4-6 weeks. Items shipping internationally may be subject to customs processing and duties depending on the item's declared value. If you are ordering gear that is on sale through a limited time offer with an associated timeline posted, please note that updates will not be sent before the published committed date.
At VC we want you to enjoy wearing your ultimate gear as much as we enjoy making it. If you are not completely satisfied with the workmanship of our product, VC Ultimate will repair it, replace it, or refund your money. Quality issues must be brought to our attention within 10 business days of your gear being delivered. We do not offer returns or exchanges on any custom or mystery products unless they have product defects or manufacturing errors.
Stock products from our store not in the last chance, mystery, or face mask collections, or otherwise indicated as Final Sale may be returned as long as they have not been worn or washed - please contact to arrange a return, unless they have been customized with a name/number as per your request.
In order to make sure that your uniforms are produced correctly, we do not allow any changes to your order once it has been approved. Once an order is placed with production, we will have to submit any additional unit requests as separate orders and surcharges may apply. You may not cancel aspects of a custom order once it has been approved.
If you're on a computer, the checkout page has a field located on the right where you can apply the discount to your purchase.
If you're ordering on a mobile device, the discount can be applied on the "Summary" drop down menu at the top of the checkout page.
If the discount code you're attempting to use isn't working, contact us at and we'll do our best to sort it out!
All VC Ultimate products should be washed in cold water prior to being worn for athletic activity. Wash garments inside-out and hang to dry – do not dry-clean!
Yes, we do!
International orders may be subject to customs duties and taxes, payable by the recipient upon delivery. These charges vary by country and are not included in your order total. Please check with your local customs office for more information.
For security and fraud prevention purposes, we verify your billing address with the address registered on your credit card. If the billing zip/postal code you provide does not match the one that is registered to your card then the transaction will be declined and you will be asked to resubmit your address.
If your billing address is different from your shipping address, then you can provide these separately in the checkout to make sure you don’t run into the above issue.
If you have entered a correct billing address and the system still rejects your order, then we recommend that you reach out to your bank/card Issuer, to make sure they have the up to date billing information for you.
Team Orders
Our minimum order is 25 units of any style for non-sublimated goods. You may mix any combination of relaxed and fitted sizes (XS-2XL) or standard and fitted within the 25 units, as long as they are the same design.
New custom sublimated orders have a minimum of 15 units or a $50 sublimated set-up fee will apply. New spot sublimated orders have a minimum of 5 units.
Need to reorder? No problem! We keep all of your information on file. Sublimated reorders have a minimum order of 5 unit per styles, although we do give teams we work with one opportunity per season to place an order as small as 1 unit/style (50% surcharge applies on any order under 5 units).
Smaller quantities of gear can be produced, depending on the style, but surcharges may apply. Contact VC with any questions about your reorder.
VC Ultimate ships orders via USPS, UPS, Canada Post, or through a local courier company if the order is staying within the Greater Toronto Area.
- Within the GTA: $12 courier charge. (Next day service. Same day service can be arranged for $20.)
- Within Canada: $0.75 - $1.75 per item, depending on total quantity (minimum package cost for orders under 12 units applies).
- Within the USA: Starting from $1.50/item, with minimum $40 for orders less than $800 in value.
- Shipping rates outside of CAN/USA vary widely, please contact us for a quote.
For logo artwork, we prefer vector files created in Adobe Illustrator. High resolution .jpeg or .tiff files may also be acceptable, depending upon the sharpness of the lines and the simplicity of the design.
- Sublimated gear – 4-5.5 weeks
- Spot sublimated custom gear - 1-2 weeks
- Non-sublimated custom gear – 3-4 weeks blank, 4-5 weeks screen printed or spot sublimated
These turnaround times do not include shipping. Please contact VC any time to find out current production volume and timelines. Rush order processing may be available.
All templates are available upon request - please contact us at for more information.
Payment in full is required to begin processing your order. We do accept school purchase orders and will accept the payment terms of your educational institution.
We require any issues and incorrect or missing order aspects to be reported within 10 business days of delivery. Our quality guarantee covers any product or manufacturing defects that occur within 60 days (this does not cover regular use wear and tear, or damage due to things like jumping over a fence to grab a disc/ball).
You can report any problems by using this form, or by contacting your rep or
We will replace or refund any order that was made incorrectly due to VC error (such as receiving the wrong product, size, or player number).
If the error was with the information provided by the customer, they will be responsible for paying the cost of a replacement unit (such as submitting the wrong player number on our order form).
You can report any problems by using this form, or by contacting your rep or
We do our best to catch any potential design issues before production, but unfortunately we're all human and mistakes can happen.
If the design error was made after you approved your final proof artwork, VC will replace or refund any affected units (such as a missing logo or incorrect colours).
If the error was on the final approved proof, VC will offer a 30% credit on the affected units, to be used on a future order.
You can report any problems by using this form, or by contacting your rep or
Our garments have a ½” tolerance on all published measurements. If the garment is outside of this tolerance, VC will replace or refund any affected units.
If the garment is within tolerance but you picked the wrong size, VC will offer a 30% discount on a replacement unit.
You can find all size charts with measurement instructions on our sizing page. If you need more help, please see our blog post How to Measure.
Sublimation can result in small inconsistencies from print to print including: small colour discrepancies, dust or white spots, and "ghosting" or colour shadowing.
We generally consider the flaws to be acceptable if they are not physical damage to the fabric, not noticeable when standing back from the jersey (~1m), or are in a low visibility area (under the arm, at the bottom hem).
Team Stores
Team stores make it easier for captains/organizers to get uniform orders collected and paid for by a deadline. No more chasing after players for sizes or payment - a VC team store takes care of it all.
Delivery timeline. Even the most organized teams will need an extra 1-2 weeks to organize a team store. Why?
• 3D webmocks of each product need to be created
• Setting up the dedicated team store on the VC website
• Sending the information to players and making sure they order before the deadline
• 1-2 extra days for us to sort/pack your team store by order when everything is ready to ship
You can choose to have your orders compiled and bulk shipped to your team’s contact, which is why team stores available for uniform ordering only are closed to the public (we provide you with a password to send to your players with the order link).
If you want to have your team store open to fans too, or have players in different locations to ship to, we can set your team store to ship directly to each player (standard online store shipping rates apply).
Costs: We charge a handling fee on the product prices of team store products.
Fee: $0.75 on items under $25 and $1.95 on items over $25.
This fee is to cover the cost of credit card processing as well as the additional time spent sorting and packing team store orders which is more time consuming than bulk orders.
A Team Store is primarily meant to offer your players a direct online uniform and swag ordering opportunity. A Fan Shop is meant to offer your community of fans the chance to support your team by ordering team apparel.
Team uniform aspects such as your jerseys and shorts, as well as tank and long sleeve versions of your jerseys. Our designers can use your design to create any other custom apparel we offer, such as Revolution Hoodies and Training Pants, or we can work with you to create new design options for the additional items.
Unfortunately, no. Your team must commit to submitting a top-up order for aspects that don’t reach minimums before it is added to your team store.
The reasons for this are: It is a time investment on VC's part to prepare proofs and 3D webmocks for each product, and to set them up in the store. Canceling and refunding orders complicates the reporting and order processing process internally, creating significant extra work for the VC team, as well as a goodwill burden for your fans/our customers. In the end, when a customer order is canceled, it reflects poorly on VC.
Yes, and our designers are the best around! We do have some limitations around design, as some teams (not yours!) will take advantage of our designers' time or request concepts that aren’t well flushed out. Learn more here:
Each product offered will have the appropriate fields to enter names and numbers at the time of order. We can make these fields required for submission if players' names and numbers are mandatory.
It is your team’s responsibility to know what number each player is; changing numbers after ordering can lead to delays and mistakes.
If a player enters their name incorrectly we will offer them a 30% discount on a remake of the affected products as a courtesy. If the typo is VC’s internal error, a remake will be sent as soon as possible at no cost.
A bulk team store must have an end date so that we can compile and submit your orders to production at the same time, and ship them to your team contact together. The ideal time for a team store depends on how actively organized your team is; some teams have been able to close their stores in 48 hours, while others require a lot of wrangling and can take weeks.
It’s important to keep in mind that the production timeline for your uniforms does not start until after your team store is closed, reviewed and submitted for production - so the longer the ordering window, the later the delivery.
However, if your team has a proven market for apparel, we can keep Fan Shops with direct-to-customer ordering open indefinitely on products that do not have hard order minimums (like replica short sleeve jerseys) and hats/casual apparel with patches.
100% yes! We call this a “Wrangler Report” and it will show you who ordered what, in what size and with what number/name.
We provide this report 1-2 days before the intended closing of your store, at which point you will have one chance to extend the store closing date, as well as a final report once the store is closed.
We do not currently have the ability to show a “live” view of sales, but we’re working on it!
About VC
Vicious Circle.
Please visit the Our Story section to learn more about where we came from and what we believe in. You can dig deeper in to VC news and opinions in our News & Blog section, as well.
VC Ultimate respects your personal privacy. We believe ensuring the security of your personal information is important. If we ask you to provide any personal information, we will tell you the purposes for which we intend to use that information. Your personal information is not lent or sold to anyone for any purpose. Please contact us at any time with questions.